Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Day 25! We are celebrating by posting information about Down syndrome each day in October, during the 31 for 21 Challenge. Feel free to share these posts to help spread awareness and acceptance.
Sometimes families who receive a new diagnosis of Down syndrome, just don't feel they can handle raising a child with special needs. When that diagnosis occurs prenatally, the medical field tends to recommend termination. However, for some people termination is just not an option that aligns with their personal beliefs. Adoption is an option that need to be presented to new families as a viable option to termination. . One thing that may be shocking to learn is that babies with Down syndrome are in demand. The average number of families waiting to adopt a baby with Down syndrome domestically, is around 200. Still more families travel oversees looking to rescue children with Down syndrome from orphanages and mental institutions. Organizations like the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network help families in the US and Reece’s Rainbow, helps connect families with children internationally. Both are outstanding organizations. Please check out both organizations and keep advocating for babies with Trisomy 21 who are in need of a family. Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Day 26! We are celebrating by posting information about Down syndrome each day in October, during the 31 for 21 Comments are closed.
AuthorDown Syndrome Advocates in Action Nebraska, is a group for parents run by parents.