Happy National Wildlife Day. Today will be a beautiful day to get outside and enjoy nature and see some wildlife. Take photos of the great outdoors- trees, animals, insects anything. Today please share on social media the beauty you see in the world around you in honor of the Nebraska Down syndrome community. Use #buddywalknebraska #bwne2020 or #dsaawild
Day 4 results. Congratulations to Danielle Barker for earning day 4 overall high step honors.with over 26,000 steps. So far hers is the number to beat! No one else has logged that many steps. Our VIP high stepper was Erin Phillips. . Our #buddywalknebraska and #bw2020 prize winner is Jana Sickler.. We will contact you about the prize you will receive.. . To post your steps for day 5 Kindness day please use this link to complete the google form by 10 pm tonight. Winner will be announced tomorrow morning. If you did not get out and get your rocks hidden, Popsicles handed out etc, you can still do it anytime until the end of the walk. If you missed logging steps for any day you can always go back and add them for a chance to win prizes at the end of the walk. Exact step counts are not required. Your best guess is just fine. Here are the links for all the days. Aug 30, 2020 National Beach Day Aug.31, 2020 National Trail Mix Day Sept. 1, 2020, No Rhyme (nor reason) Day (Hide Rocks) Sept. 2, 2020 National Popsicle Day Sept. 3, 2020 Kindness Day Sept.4, 2020 National Wildlife Day Sept 5, 2020 National Cheese Pizza Day Sept 6 2020. National Read a Book Day Comments are closed.
AuthorDown Syndrome Advocates in Action Nebraska, is a group for parents run by parents.